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Adeolu B. Ayanwale
Nigeria, Western Africa
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Adeolu B. Ayanwale
Country of InterestNigeria
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionObafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaClimate financing, Food systems, Agribusiness
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioA recipient of START fellowship, I was the socio-economic Team Leader in the AIAAC Climate Change and Food Security project in 2002, also the Socio-economic in the GHG emission study through the ARIEL in 2006. I was a LOC member in the Biotechnology Development and Threat of Climate in Africa Conference as well as the Urban Agriculture, Cities, and Climate Change Conference in 2010 and 2011 respectively. A mentor to faculty in the West Africa Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Use (WASCAL) in 2015. Team Leader in CTA’s multi-country project on “Promoting Climate Finance in Agriculture through the NDC processes in Nigeria” 2018-2019. together with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Environment and the Department of Climate Change.
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Adeolu B. Ayanwale Amare
Ethiopia, Eastern Africa
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Abayineh Amare
Country of InterestEthiopia
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionJimma University
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaClimate-smart agriculture, resilience to climate change, climate change adaptation, food security, livelihood vulnerability, livelihood and diversification,
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioDr. Abayineh Amare works at Jimma University as an Associate Professor.. He holds a PhD in PhD Environment and Development studies, Master's degree in Rural Development and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Sciences from Haramaya University. Dr. Amare has received extensive specialized training in Bonn, Germany, and Uppsala, Sweden. He has over six years of teaching experience in Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Amare has received the Africa Climate Change Fellowship Programme and DAAD In-country Scholarship research awards. He has published over ten articles in peer-reviewed journals and a book chapter.
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Abayineh Amare
abaytana82@gmail.comDr. Amollo Ambole
Kenya, Eastern Africa
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Dr. Amollo Ambole
Country of InterestKenya
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionBig Win Philanthropy
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaClimate Change (Sanitation and Energy) design for informal urbanis, Urban city, Climate Policy
Field of ExpertiseScientist
BioDr. Amollo Ambole is the AMALI Program Director, based in London, UK, and previously served as a design researcher at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. She has a keen interest in design thinking's role in socializing technologies for emerging economies. In 2017, she was one of the nine grantees of the LIRA 2030 program, supporting early-career researchers across Africa to carry out transdisciplinary studies on the energy-health-natural disasters nexus. Currently, she leads a multi-country study in Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa, focusing on the energy-health nexus.
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Dr. Amollo Ambole
amollo.ambole@gmail.comAnnie Mapulanga
Malawi, Eastern Africa
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Annie Mapulanga
Country of InterestMalawi
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionMinistry of Energy & Natural Resources
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaAgricultural Economics, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Management, Sanitation, Forestration
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioAnnie Mapulanga is a Malawian economist working in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy, and Mining. Her responsibilities include policy and planning for the Natural Resources and Environment sector, as well as conducting research in this field.
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Annie Mapulanga
anniemapulanga@yahoo.comZougmore Wend-Kuni Dina Antine
Burkina Faso, Western Africa
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Zougmore Wend-Kuni Dina Antine
Country of InterestBurkina Faso
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionUniversité Joseph KI-ZERBO
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaGouvernance des ressources naturelles, Décentralisation, Télédetection
Field of ExpertiseScientist
BioDina holds a PhD in Geography, natural resources management option. She continued her training in the processing of satellite images using machine learning. She is very interested in forest resources governance in the context of decentralization.
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Zougmore Wend-Kuni Dina Antine
antine2013@gmail.comAssi Lordia Florentine
Ivory Coast, Western Africa
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Assi Lordia Florentine
Country of InterestIvory Coast
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionUniversité Peleforo GON COULIBALY de Korhogo/Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS)
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaGestion des ressources agropastorales, adaptation au changement climatique, Environnement
Field of ExpertisePolicymaker
BioGéographe de l'environnement et Chercheure associée au CSRS, je suis Enseignante-Chercheure à l'université Peleforo GON COULIBALY de Korhogo. j'ai quelques écrits relatifs à la gestion des ressources agropastorales et stratégies d'adaptation des éleveurs face aux changements climatiques, j'ai également fait des communications orales sur cette thématique.
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Assi Lordia Florentine
assilordia2018@gmail.comBernard Barasa
Uganda, Eastern Africa
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Bernard Barasa
Country of InterestUganda
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionKyambogo University
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaGeographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Hydrological modelling and Water Resources Management, Wetland degradation assessment and restoration and project planning and management. Development of Disaster and catchment management plans
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioDr. Bernard Barasa is a highly regarded Senior Lecturer and current Head of the Department of Geography and Social Studies at Kyambogo University, the second largest university in Uganda. He has a broad range of expertise in the areas of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Hydrological Modelling and Water Resources Management, Wetland Degradation Assessment and Restoration, and Project Planning and Management. Dr. Barasa has worked in various countries throughout Africa, including Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. He holds a PhD in Environmental Geography, an MSc in Environment and Natural Resources, a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management, and a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Management. Additionally, he has attended over 20 professional short courses related to his areas of specialization.
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Bernard Barasa
barasagis@gmail.comProfessor Berhanu Fanta Alemaw
Ethiopia, Eastern Africa
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Professor Berhanu Fanta Alemaw
Country of InterestEthiopia
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionUniversity of Botswana
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaHydrology, water resources, climate change, systems analysis and integrated modelling in the water-land-climate nexus
Field of ExpertiseScientist
BioProfessor Berhanu Fanta Alemaw is currently employed at the University of Botswana in Botswana. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering and Climate Change from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and a B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. His areas of interest include stochastic and process-based hydrological modeling, Geographic Information Systems (GISs), databases (remotely-sensed and ground-based), and the development and application of models and software for water resources and environmental engineering. He is also experienced in environmental impact assessment and web site design, analysis, and development.
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Professor Berhanu Fanta Alemaw
bfalemaw@gmail.comN'Dri Aya Brigitte Épouse Kone
Ivory Coast, Western Africa
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N'Dri Aya Brigitte Épouse Kone
Country of InterestIvory Coast
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionNangui Abrogoua University
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaFire mamangement for climate change mitigation
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioBrigitte N'Dri is Fire and Plants Ecologist. Her current research is on ESMS (Ecology and Sustainable Management of Savannas) for Biodiversity and climate change mitigation in West Africa savannas. Her studies are based on experimental fires (early, mid and late dry season fires and no fire).
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N'Dri Aya Brigitte Épouse Kone
brigitte.aya]@gmail.comDiji Chukwuemeka Jude
Nigeria, Western Africa
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Diji Chukwuemeka Jude
Country of InterestNigeria
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionKampala International University
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaMechanical Engineering, Climate Research for Development, Organization Management,
Field of ExpertiseScientist
BioProfessor Chukwuemeka Jude Diji is currently an Associate Professor of mechanical engineering and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation, Consultancy and Exten- sion at Kampala International University . He has also served as an expert Reviewer for the Climate Research for Development (CR4D), a programme initiated by the African Academy of Science (AAS), the UK Depart- ment of International Development (DFID), Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa (WISER) and the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Professor Chukwuemeka Diji is a Certified International Professional Manager (CIPM) of the International Professional Managers Association (IPMA – UK). He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ibadan, Masters of Science degree (MSc) in Mechani- cal Engineering from the University of Ibadan and a Bachelors of Science (B.Sc) from the Obafemi Awolowo University (Formerly the University of Ife). He also holds a professional postgraduate Diploma in Management Consul- tancy practice and Organizational Transforma- tion from the International Professional Managers Association (IPMA – UK) and his a Certi- fied International Professional Manager (CIPM) of the International Professional Managers Association (IPMA – UK) – License No: 0096781693
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Diji Chukwuemeka Jude
chuksdiji@gmail.comMekonnen Daba
Ethiopia, Eastern Africa
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Mekonnen Daba
Country of InterestEthiopia
Region of InterestEastern Africa
InstitutionOromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bako Agricultural Research Center, Bako, Ethiopia
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaHydrology and Climate Change Modelling
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioI am currently a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, within Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture (IEDA), Beijing, China. My current research project is 'Extreme Hydrology and Climate Change Modelling'. The objective of my work is to analyze the impacts of climate change and land-use change on hydrological and water resources by using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) and GCM outputs through statistical downscaling.
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Mekonnen Daba
dabanok@gmail.comDavid Olufemi Awolala
Nigeria, Western Africa
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David Olufemi Awolala
Country of InterestNigeria
Region of InterestWestern Africa
InstitutionFederal University of Technology Akure
Highest Academic QualificationPhD
Qualification AreaClimate smart insurance, climate risk analysis and vulnerability assessment, climate-resilient agriculture, adaptation finance, weather and climate services, and agricultural production and resource economics.
Field of ExpertisePractitioner
BioDavid Olufemi Awolala holds a Ph.D Economic Sciences (Climate Change Economics) of the Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal and the Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF)/Centre for Development Research, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany under the initiative of the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL). He obtained M.Tech degree (Agricultural Economics) and first class honours B.Tech degree (Agricultural Economics and Extension) of the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. His research objectives focus on integrated approach to economic assessment of impacts of climate change on food security, land use and adaptation strategies for climate-resilient development in West Africa. His areas of research interest are modelling parametric weather micro-insurance, climate risk analysis and vulnerability assessment, economic evaluation of climate risk management, valuation of environmental resources, adaptation finance, adaptation science policy, agricultural production and resource use economics; agribusiness. Other experiences include team participation in various national and international consulting engagements with professional colleagues including baseline studies, sustainable livelihoods assessments, training needs assessment, market surveys, post-harvest losses in food system, evaluation of development interventions and government projects, agricultural innovation systems, capacity enhancement and sustainable environmental managements. Dr Awolala is a membership of professional organizations namely American Geophysical Union, Nigerian Association for Energy Economics, International Association for Energy Economics, Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists, Nigerian Meteorological Society, Climate Change Adaptation Network, Climate Change Global Research and Consulting Network
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